AA seizes Buthidaung

The Arakkha Army (AA) has seized Buthidaung Town — the 10 town it has captured in Arakan and Chin states since launching an offensive against Myanmar’s military regime in November.

By Admin 18 May 2024

Arakkha Army (AA) fighters in Buthidaung Town.
Arakkha Army (AA) fighters in Buthidaung Town.

DMG Newsroom
18 May 2024, Sittwe

The Arakkha Army (AA) has seized Buthidaung Town — the 10 town it has captured in Arakan and Chin states since launching an offensive against Myanmar’s military regime in November.

The AA said it had overrun all junta positions in Buthidaung including the 15th Military Operations Command, infantry, light infantry, artillery and logistics battalions, by noon on Saturday.

The ethnic armed group is pursuing junta soldiers and Muslim conscripts who have fled the fighting, and hostilities are continuing around Buthidaung Town, the AA said.

It has warned civilians to stay alert as panicked junta troops are fleeing in various directions.

According to the AA, it seized Paletwa in China State on January 17; Pauktaw on January 19; Minbya on February 6; Kyauktaw on February 7; Mrauk-U on February 9; Myebon on February 15; Ponnagyun on March 4; Ramree on March 11; Rathedaung on March 17; and Buthidaung on May 18.

Fighting continues in Maungdaw, Ann and Thandwe townships. 

“The United League of Arakan/AA is in a combative mood with utter confidence,” said veteran Arakanese politician U Pe Than. The United League of Arakan is the AA’s political arm.

“Junta soldiers are unwilling to fight because they feel that the towns will ultimately fall into the hands of the AA,” U Pe Than added. “Many have fled. I believe other towns in Arakan State will fall one after another.”