10-year-old raped in Buthidaung

“That day, the girl was playing with her sisters near their house. He gave the other children 1,000 kyats each and told them to buy snacks. He then raped the girl,” said neighbour Daw Sandar Win.

By Admin 07 Sep 2023

Illustration: The Telegraph
Illustration: The Telegraph

DMG Newsroom
7 September 2023, Buthidaung

A 10-year-old girl in a village on the outskirts of Buthidaung town was raped on Monday and the alleged perpetrator has been arrested, according to residents.

The acquaintance rape took place on Monday night, said residents. The alleged perpetrator has been identified as Nyi Nyi Hla, 45, from Buthidaung town.

The girl’s parents have been dead for years, and she and her two sisters live together with a 60-year-old neighbour who has visual and hearing impairments.

Nyi Nyi Hla was visiting their house as was typical on Monday. He asked their guardian to buy alcohol and allegedly raped the girl as she was left alone.

“That day, the girl was playing with her sisters near their house. He gave the other children 1,000 kyats each and told them to buy snacks. He then raped the girl,” said neighbour Daw Sandar Win.

Nyi Nyi Hla was arrested on Tuesday by locals and police, and handed over to border guard police, according to an administrator from Buthidaung town.

The victim had to receive medical treatment at Buthidaung Hospital. When asked by DMG, a hospital authority declined to provide details for the sake of the victim.

A six-year-old girl was raped in June last year in Kyaukphyu town. In July last year, a nine-year-old girl was raped by her brother-in-law in Chaungthonekwa village in Taungup.

“We have seen an increase in rape of minors. Some cases are incest. In rape cases that happened in Arakan State, perpetrators are not properly punished, which encourages more rape,” said Daw Saw San Nyein Thu of the Rakhine Women Initiative Organization.

Section 376 of the Penal Code carries 20 years to life imprisonment for rape of girls younger than 12 years old.