Vox Pop: 'All young people feel like they have no future'

Admin 13 Oct 2024

young women in rural areas including university students are struggling to support their families, with many doing housework and odd jobs as they no longer have the opportunities that their post-secondary pursuits should have offered.

Interview: Researcher talks war crimes, international inaction on Myanmar

Admin 26 Sep 2024

“As for the public, since the beginning of the Spring Revolution, they had hoped to receive the help and protection of the international community. Myanmar people are relying on the international community to resolve the current Myanmar conflict with Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and establish a no-fly zone.”

Vox Pop: 'We can go nowhere and we are starving'

Admin 08 Sep 2024

Myanmar's military regime has blockaded Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, since fighting between the junta and Arakkha Army (AA) broke out anew in November. It has also planted landmines around the town.

Vox Pop: Why the ruffling of feathers from Ruili?

Admin 01 Sep 2024

DMG Newsroom
1 September 2024, Sittwe

China's Ruili City Security Commission issued a warning to the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) on August 29, telling the group to stop fighting immediately in northern Shan State or face consequences.

TNLA leaders are reportedly discussing the warning at its central executive committee.

China has previously said that it would not interfere in Myanmar's internal issues. Speaking to DMG, politicians and China specialists shared their views on the warning to the...

Interview: 'This is a time when farmers need help'

Admin 21 Aug 2024

DMG interviewed U Maung Thein Hla, secretary of the Danyawaddy agricultural association, about the difficulties and needs of the flood-affected farmers as well as the food security conditions facing local populations next year.

Interview: At the Gwa front in the war for Arakan

Admin 18 Aug 2024

Locals in Gwa Township are facing food security challenges due to junta blockades. In mid-August, DMG interviewed a resident of Gwa regarding the military and social conditions in Gwa Township at that time.

Interview: 'I didn't think I would survive'

Admin 27 Jul 2024

After the AA seized Light Infantry Battalion No. 353 on May 14, it rescued the 35 detainees, who had been deprived of food and water for three days. Saw Lein Mohla, one of the detainees, told DMG about the ordeal.

Vox Pop: Residents, observers offer views on importance of battleground Thandwe

Admin 29 Jun 2024

As the regime and the AA vie for control of Thandwe Township - home to the renowned Ngapali Beach, a cluster of luxury hotels and the Tha Htay Chaung hydropower project - residents and military observers shared their views with DMG on why the township and eponymous town are important for the regime and the AA.

Interview: Dodging a Sittwe village mass arrest

Admin 28 Jun 2024

In recent weeks Myanmar's military regime has been emptying villages around Sittwe, which is still controlled by the junta, under the pretext of security, and arresting residents en masse. DMG interviewed a villager who experienced the incident himself, and who escaped to a "liberated area" currently controlled by the AA. 

Showing 1-20 of 178 items.