Industry to manufacture finished goods from coconut starting in early 2020
The soon-to-be coconut product manufacturer will become the first industry, which manufactures finished coconut products in Arakan State, and it will be run by a staff of 250 people.
20 Nov 2019
Aung Kaung Zaw | DMG
Nov 20, Manaung
A factory to manufacture finished products from coconuts will start operating in January 2020 in Manaung, Arakan State.
The industry owned by Manaung Yadana Company will manufacture 6 kinds of products out of coconuts, according to an official of the company.
"With coconuts the industry is going to manufacture medicinal coconut-oil, cooking oil, coconut-based vinegar, coconut juice, regular coconut-oil and coconut-based flour," said U Aung Than, distribution and manufacturing manager of Manaung Yadana Company.
The company currently purchases one coconut for 150 kyats, and it is said that to be able to operate for the long term, they will buy fruits from Manaung, Rambree, Taunggup and Thandwe in the future as well.
Manaung Township produces 5 million coconuts per year, there are about 4000 acres of coconut plantations within the township.

The current market price is 110 kyats for one fruit in which harvesting fees has also been included, according to a coconut retailer named Ko Win Shwe.
"We have to pay 110 kyats to have one coconut now. The price for fruit is 80, fees for harvesting are 30, so it's 110 kyats in total. We send them to Yangon. The price has its ups and downs though," says Ko Win Shwe.
The soon-to-be coconut product manufacturer will become the first industry, which manufactures finished coconut products in Arakan State, and it will be run by a staff of 250 people.
Moreover, Manaung Yadana Company will manufacture finished goods from other materials such as pineapple, turmeric and ginger in the future, according to the company authorities.