101st day campaign for Internet ban

A campaign to show sympathy for over 600,000 affected people from Arakan State and unity of people will be kicked off because the Internet cut-off in some townships in Arakan State will reach 101 days on 30 September.

26 Sep 2019

Photo - Phandeeyar / Facebook

Kyaw Chit | DMG
25 September, Sittwe
A campaign to show sympathy for over 600,000 affected people from Arakan State and unity of people will be kicked off because the Internet cut-off in some townships in Arakan State will reach 101 days on 30 September.

Those who want to participate in the campaign should send a message to their friends and colleagues before 30 September.

The message said: “On 30 September, I am participating in Myanmar Internet Blackout Day 101 to show solidarity with over 600,000 people in Arakan State who have gone for 101 days without access to the Internet, on the orders of the Myanmar government. As part of this campaign, I will turn off my mobile phone and internet for 24 hours. In case of urgency, please call my phone or send me an SMS.”

The Free Expression Myanmar, Myanmar Center for Responsible Business, Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO) and Phandeeyar are organizing the campaign.

Participants are requested to share their experience of living without internet for a day, by sending an email to mdrf@digitalrightsmm.info before 3 October.

The Internet was blocked in eight townships of Arakan and Paletwa Township in Chin State since 21 June, but the ban was lifted in some township on 31 August.  The Internet shutdown is still continues in Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw Mrauk-U and Minbya townships of Arakan State.

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