11 Bengali workers killed, 13 injured: Buthidaung

he Tatmadaw’s bombardment on Wednesday near the Sai Din mountain range in Buthidaung Township claimed 11 Bengali Muslim workers and 13 others were injured, Abu Phway Yaw, an official from the Sai Din

By Cha Lu Aung 04 Apr 2019

Cha Lu Aung/DMG

April 4, Maungdaw

The Tatmadaw’s bombardment on Wednesday near the Sai Din mountain range in Buthidaung Township claimed 11 Bengali Muslim workers and 13 others were injured, Abu Phway Yaw, an official from the Sai Din bamboo production plantation, told the DMG.

About 200 Bengalis are working in the bamboo plantation, and they were attacked while they were fastening bamboo on a slab of rock near the Sai Din waterfall.

“I’ve heard that about 20 workers were killed. However, we found 11 bodies as of now. They are searching for more,” the official said.

The bodies are from different villages: one is from Kin Taung, three others from Dabyu Chaung and Yay Chan Byin and four from Say Yoe Kya.

The DMG contacted Colonel Win Zaw Oo from the Western Command regarding the attack, he responded that he had not known yet about the incident.

Bengali Muslims from villages such as Yay Chan Byin, Kin Taung, Wa Yi Kya, Doe Dan, Htate Too Pauk and Phone Nyo Late are working in companies that are granted licenses to do bamboo production near Sai Din creek.

In 2017, the ARSA assaulted Maungdaw and Buthidaung regions, resulting in clearance operations the Tatmadaw carried out that prompted about 700,000 Bengalis to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh, the UN said. The government has denied those figures.

During the ongoing clashes between the Myanmar Army and Arakan Army, more than 5000 Bengali Muslims in Buthidaung Township have been displaced so far.

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