Internet black out lasts over a month

The Myanmar government has now blocked Internet access since 21 June in eight townships in Arakan State and one township in Chin State where ongoing armed struggles are occurring between the Tatmadaw and the AA.

23 Jul 2019

A child from Mra Tanzoung IDP camp in Mrauk - U Township.

Soe Aung | DMG

23 July, Sittwe

The Myanmar government has now blocked Internet access since 21 June in eight townships in Arakan State and one township in Chin State where ongoing armed struggles are occurring between the Tatmadaw and the AA.

Using the pretext of regional security, the government has temporary shutdown mobile data services in Mrauk-U, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, Maungdaw and Myebon Townships in Arakan State and Paletwa Township in Chin State.

“The Internet black out in these specific areas is a kind of a denial of human rights. They should be treated as fairly as other people in other parts of the country. So, I’d like authorities to restore the Internet in affected areas immediately,” said U Tun Tha Sein, Arakan State MP for Mrauk-U Township. 

The lack of Internet has thwarted the dissemination of information concerning the needs of IDPs such as insufficient food and accommodations, these setbacks have made life for refugees difficult, said Ko Khaing Min Shin, a relief worker for IDPs. 

“We have faced various kinds of problems. We’ve lost contact with donors. We urgently need to get back Internet access. If so, we can circulate information concerning the IDPs and help them in timely fashion,” he said.

Since the NLD government has halted the flow of information from the Internet in sensitive areas during its tenure, it can be construed as a despicable act that shows a blatant disregard for some of its citizens, said U Tun Nay Win, secretary of the Arakan National Party for Mrauk-U Township.

The Internet ban has also affected people in the area of mobile financial services, according to a Wave Money agent.

“We have to stop money transfer services. In Mrauk-U, all businesses depend on the Internet for financial transactions. Those who mainly operate their services online have been seriously hurt,” said Ko Tet Toe, an agent of Wave Money.

Arakan State MPs submitted a proposal to restore the Internet access and the regional parliament endorsed it, but the proposal was rejected in Pyithu Hluttaw.