26 displaced Muslims return home of their own accord

A total of 26 displaced Muslims returned back to Myanmar voluntarily on 25 September, said U Soe Aung, administrator of Maungdaw district.

By Cha Lu Aung 25 Sep 2019

Cha Lu Aung | DMG
25 September, Maungdaw
A total of 26 displaced Muslims returned back to Myanmar voluntarily on 25 September, said U Soe Aung, administrator of Maungdaw district.
“They entered from Nga Khu Ya reception center,” he confirmed.
The returnees are comprised of 13 people from Oo Shay Kya village, 11 from Kyet Yoe Byin village and one each from Kat Pa Kaung and Mhyaw Taung villages.
The UN estimated that over 700,000 people fled to Bangladesh following the violent attacks in August 2017 at Maungdaw district in Arakan State.
Myanmar has arranged to repatriate refugees, under a bilateral agreement with Bangladesh, in January and November last year and August this year, but scant numbers have returned home.
Myanmar, however, has accepted over 270 voluntarily returnees so far, according to Maungdaw district administrator.
They were verified under the UEHRD program and issued the NV card so they can be granted permission to return to their original homeland.

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