List of Arakan State adults is compiled for COVID-19 inoculation campaign

A list of people 18 years of age and older is being compiled in Arakan State for mass inoculation purposes, according to the state’s Public Health Department, as the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Myanmar continues this month.

By DMG 12 Feb 2021

DMG Newsroom
12 February 2021, Sittwe

A list of people 18 years of age and older is being compiled in Arakan State for mass inoculation purposes, according to the state’s Public Health Department, as the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Myanmar continues this month.

Dr. Soe Win Paing, assistant director of the department, said elderly people in Sittwe will be given first priority for vaccinations.

“After we compile the list, we will issue a card to vaccinate. The township administrator is collecting the list and we heard that their process is 50% complete. The people from Sittwe will be injected with the vaccine first, followed by the people in other towns,” he said.

U Aung Zaw Oo, the Sittwe Township administrator, said a list of people above 18 years old in Sittwe Township has been sent to the Health Department.

However, it remains unclear whether internally displaced people (IDPs) in Sittwe will be included in the vaccine prioritisation of the state capital and surrounding area.

“The IDPs are not permanent here. They might return home some day. So, they will be listed in their township [of origin],” U Aung Zaw Oo said.

More than 4,400 healthcare personnel in Arakan State have received the COVID-19 vaccine provided by India, with first shots being administered toward the end of last month.