Thousands of locals flee latest fighting in Kayin State

Thousands of residents in Chaungzon Village in Kayin State were reportedly forced to flee heavy weapons fire after a clash broke out at a security checkpoint set up by the Border Guard Force (BGF) in Phayartaung Village on Wednesday.

By DMG 28 Sep 2022

DMG Newsroom
28 September 2022, Phayar Thonesu, Kayin State

Thousands of residents in Chaungzon Village in Kayin State were reportedly forced to flee heavy weapons fire after a clash broke out at a security checkpoint set up by the Border Guard Force (BGF) in Phayartaung Village on Wednesday.

A coalition led by Brigade 6 of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), launched an attack on the BGF checkpoint on the morning of September 28, leading to an exchange of gunfire, according to a resident of Phayartaung Village.

“An anti-regime force led by the KNLA fired heavy weapons at a BGF checkpoint in Phayartaung Village at about 6 a.m. today and the two sides exchanged fire. Six members of the BGF were reportedly killed in the clash,” the resident said on Wednesday.

Artillery shells subsequently fired from a military camp on Nagar Hill near Phayar Thonesu landed and exploded across five villages close to the scene of the fighting at around 9 a.m., according to locals.

The artillery shells damaged nearly 10 homes in Chaungzon Village and at least 2,000 villagers were forced to flee to safer locations, a resident told DMG.

“An artillery shell landed and exploded following the fighting at the BGF checkpoint. Nearly 10 homes were damaged by the junta shelling. Residents dared not stay in the village and fled to safer locations,” the resident added.

DMG was unable to obtain comment from Major-General Zaw Min Tun, spokesman for the regime.

Following Wednesday’s hostilities, a large number of junta soldiers conducted strict security checks on travellers and passersby along the Phayar Thonesu-Kyainn Seikgyi-Thanbyuzayet road, according to residents of Phayar Thonesu.

“I saw regime soldiers and BGF members in military trucks along the Phayar Thonesu-Kyainn Seikgyi road. Junta soldiers conducted security checks on locals at the entry and exit of the town,” the Phayar Thonesu resident said.

Military tensions between the military and KNLA were reportedly running high as around 100 junta soldiers and BGF members remain stationed near Chaungzon Village along the Phayar Thonesu-Thanbyuzayet-Kyainn Seikgyi road.