Four detainees allowed to meet relatives

Four of 11 people arrested by police for alleged links to the Arakan Army (AA) were allowed to meet their families on August 8 at Ponnagyun township’s police station, U Maung Maung Than, a family member of detainees  told DMG.

08 Aug 2019

Thet Naing | DMG

August 8, Sittwe

Four of 11 people arrested by police for alleged links to the Arakan Army (AA) were allowed to meet their families on August 8 at Ponnagyun township’s police station, U Maung Maung Than, a family member of detainees  told DMG.

Khin Maung San, 16, from Ka Lar Ma Taung village, who is studying at Minbya high school was included among four who met with family members.  

“I went and met with my son at about 8 [am] today. I didn’t see that he was handcuffed. We had time to talk,” said father of Khin Maung San.  

The other detainees who were able to meet their relatives, including two residents of Kan Pyin Yin village in Rathedaung Township and one from Yoe Chaung village in Myebon Township. The other seven detainees didn’t receive any family members because their families haven’t got any news about them. 

All 11 were arrested on July 27 by the police, and the Tatmadaw released the news saying that it discovered that eight out of the 11 were persuaded to join the AA and they were being questioned at Ponnagyun Myoma police station and would face action according to law. 

The group includes a 14-year-old student and his family is expecting him to be released.

More than 90 people have been detained in Arakan State on suspicion of links to the AA.