Nearly 60,000 displaced after eight months of fighting

Fighting between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army (AA) that began in December 2018 is continuing in northern Arakan State.

29 Jul 2019

Khin Tharaphy Oo | DMG

July 28, Sittwe

Fighting between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army (AA) that began in December 2018 is continuing in northern Arakan State.

During eight months of conflicts, the number of people displaced across six townships in northern Arakan State has increased to more than 54,000, according to Rakhine Ethnic Congress (REC), which has been compiling a list of refugees.

Most war refugees are from Mrauk-U Township, followed by Rathedaung. Conditions in refugee camps that are located near towns are okay but those in camps far from town face many difficulties.

“Some camps run out of food and some camps are facing health problems,” said Ko Zaw Zaw Tun, a secretary of the REC.

Camps being built by the state government are yet to be completed, even though the rainy season is under way.

The refugees are also facing problems accessing necessary assistance because the Internet has been blacked out in Paletwa Township in Chin State and in some townships in Arakan State.

Regular clashes between the Tadmadaw and AA have been reported in Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw and Myebon townships, and the number of refugees has increased to around 60,000 in northern Arakan State, according to the relief organizations helping the refugees.