Arakan Army attacks BGF outpost in northern Maungdaw Twsp

The AA attacked the BGF outpost at around 7 a.m. on November 16, and fierce clashes were reported thereafter as the military conducted airstrikes and fired mortar shells, locals said.

By Admin 16 Nov 2023

Photo: Three Brotherhood Alliance
Photo: Three Brotherhood Alliance

DMG Newsroom
16 November 2023, Maungdaw

Fighting between the Myanmar military and Arakan Army (AA) is intensifying after the ethnic armed group launched an offensive on a Border Guard Force (BGF) outpost near Donenyo Village in northern Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, on Thursday morning, according to locals.

The AA attacked the BGF outpost at around 7 a.m. on November 16, and fierce clashes were reported thereafter as the military conducted airstrikes and fired mortar shells, locals said.

“The clashes resumed at about 4 p.m. and the fighting is still ongoing. The police station is still on fire and smoke can also be seen in the village,” said a resident of Donenyo Village.

Before unleashing upon the border police outpost, the AA had a warning that junta police must surrender or be attacked. Residents of Donenyo Village have been fleeing to safer locations since November 14 out of fear of clashes between the military and AA.

“We have been living in the jungle for three days and facing livelihood hardships. We are not comfortable living in the jungle. The mosquitoes bite us a lot,” said a displaced man from Donenyo Village.

Earlier this week, the AA reportedly pursued a contingent of junta troops after they refused to surrender and five junta soldiers were killed, with others injured, near Kanpyintharzi Village in Maungdaw Township on Wednesday morning.

The ethnic Arakanese armed group has made clear that it will continue to attack junta forces that refuse to surrender.