About 300 CSOs denounce offensive operations in Rakhine State

The CSOs Partners in Rakhine State including about 300 civil society organizations condemn offensive operations in Rakhine State amid a peacemaking process to establish a federal democratic union.

By Win Nyunt 24 Apr 2019

(Myanmar soldiers arrive to Buthidaung jetty after ARSA attacks, at Buthidaung, August 29, 2017. Photo_Reuters)

Win Nyunt/ DMG

April 24, Sittwe

The CSOs Partners in Rakhine State including about 300 civil society organizations condemn offensive operations in Rakhine State amid a peacemaking process to establish a federal democratic union.

A statement released on April 22 said that lives of civilians were claimed during the military operations while firing artillery in villages caused collateral damage and civilian casualties.

Local residents faced unlawful seizure of their belongings and destruction of their houses.

The group calls for the government to quickly help restore the safe and stable lifestyle in the communities so people can live without fear and have enough food.

They also request the Tatmadaw not to position troops, plant mines and launch attacks near villages, cultural heritage zones and religious buildings.

They also call for signing a bilateral agreement after carrying out dialogue among the NRPC, the Myanmar Army and the AA as quickly as possible. The current situation in Rakhine State cannot be solved by means of military operations so the conflict should be resolved through negotiations between both sides.