Taungup doctor accused of unlawful association faces additional charge under Export and Import Law

A doctor from Taungup who was charged under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act was slapped with an additional count under Section 8 of the Export and Import Law during a hearing on Thursday, according to family members.

13 Jan 2023

Dr. Kyaw Thura Tun faces an additional charge under Section 8 of the Export and Import Law.

DMG Newsroom
13 January 2023, Taungup

A doctor from Taungup who was charged under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act was slapped with an additional count under Section 8 of the Export and Import Law during a hearing on Thursday, according to family members.

“It was only when he [Dr. Kyaw Thura Tun] appeared in court yesterday that I found out that he was charged with another count,” said Daw Moe Moe Wah, the wife of the accused. “He was sued under Section 8 of the Export and Import Law for possession of an unlicensed car. When he was arrested, his car was also confiscated.”

Dr. Kyaw Thura Tun was taken from his home to the military’s Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 544 by a group of six men in civilian clothes after he sent his wife, who is a nurse, to the hospital on September 6 of last year.

Captain Kyaw Zin Oo from the military’s LIB No. 544 filed a case against Dr. Kyaw Thura Tun under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act at the Taungup police station on September 23.

“I want the case to be heard soon as possible,” Daw Moe Moe Wah said. “My husband appeared before the court on October 21, but the plaintiff in the case failed to attend the hearing. I am concerned for his health. I want to demand that the judge in the case render a swift verdict. The case has lasted four months, but the plaintiff has not yet been examined.”

Under Section 8 of the Export and Import Law, if the accused is found to have violated provisions of the law related to unlicensed imports, he or she can be sentenced to up to three years in prison, a fine, or both. Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act states that if convicted, an individual can likewise be imprisoned for up to three years.