AFP calls on junta, AA to release political prisoners in Arakan State
The Arakan Front Party (AFP) in a statement on Saturday called on the military and Arakan Army (AA) to release the political prisoners they are detaining, including two senior party officials.
09 Sep 2023

DMG Newsroom
9 September 2023, Sittwe
The Arakan Front Party (AFP) in a statement on Saturday called on the military and Arakan Army (AA) to release the political prisoners they are detaining, including two senior party officials.
The AFP’s vice chairman, U Kyaw Zaw Oo, and advisor U Kyaw Lwin have been held in AA custody for nearly one year. The pair is currently being held at a military area controlled by the Arakanese ethnic armed organisation.
Dr. Aye Maung, chairman of the AFP, said the detention of U Kyaw Zaw Oo and U Kyaw Lwin would not benefit the AA, and that the two men should be released.
At a press conference on November 28, AA spokesman U Khaing Thukha said the two men were summoned for questioning because of their writings, which he said had led to divisions and confusion among the people at a time when the AA was actively engaged in conflict with the Myanmar military.
The AFP’s statement said the two party leaders have not committed any actions disloyal to Arakan State or the Arakanese people, and are trying to resolve Myanmar’s political conflict peacefully.
DMG continues to attempt to contact U Khaing Thukha, spokesman for the AA, regarding the matter.
The AFP called for the immediate release of the remaining political prisoners being held by the military junta and Arakan Army in Arakan State.
Most of those charged with political crimes are the breadwinners in their families, with their continued detentions causing significant economic and social hardship for the affected households.
“I cannot work because I am sick. I have a Grade 9 student and a Grade 1 student. We rely on his support. Since he was arrested, we have been facing various hardships,” said Ma Hla Bu, the wife of Ko Pyae Sone Win, a local man from Tin Nyo Village in Mrauk-U Township.
The military junta arrested three men including Ko Pyae Sone Win on June 23, 2022, and filed lawsuits against them under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act and Section 505(a) of the Penal Code.
The junta and Arakan Army reached their latest informal ceasefire, on humanitarian grounds, more than nine months ago. During that period, there were mutual releases of political prisoners held between the two armies
According to a DMG tally, 128 people are still on trial at courts across Arakan State for alleged violations of the Unlawful Associations Act and Section 505(a).