Alliance forces warn local militiamen stay out of armed fights

Local militia units have recently been found at the front lines of conflict areas between the Myanmar Army and the three ethnic armed groups, the three members of Northern Alliance said in its warning letter released.

18 Aug 2019

Kyaw Thu Htay | DMG
18 August, Sittwe

Local militia units have recently been found at the front lines of conflict areas between the Myanmar Army and the three ethnic armed groups, the three members of Northern Alliance said in its warning letter released on 17 August.

The warning letter has been released because the Tatmadaw has conducted counter-offensive operations against the three ethnic armed groups during the fighting in northern Shan State in the form of local militia units, the AA’s spokesperson Khaing Thukha said.

The three alliance forces warned local militia units not to involve themselves in the fighting and to stay in their own regions.

“In northern Shan State, there are local militia units in some regions. They are working with the Myanmar Army. So, we released a letter telling them not to collaborate with the Myanmar Army and to keep out of any armed confrontations,” Khaing Thukha said.

The three ethnic armed groups would attack Tatmadaw troops and police as well as those at the front lines wearing militia uniforms that support the forces of the Tatmadaw, it announced.

The DMG sought the comment of the Tatmadaw regarding the announcement by the three ethnic groups, but no one could be reached.

The AA warned the police force two times; it issued warning letters on 8 February and 12 August this year.

If police are found supporting military operations, we would retaliate militarily, the AA warned.

“If they continue to commit hostile acts, as the ULA/AA, we will have to resort to take necessary actions to protect our Arakanese people,” Khaing Thuka said.

He added that police stations are now used as major logistical stations for the Tatmadaw’s military operations and stations provide cover from the opposition’s gunfire. Members of the BGF are also participating in military operations along with the Tatmadaw troops.

Colonel Win Zaw Oo, head of the Western Command, refused to make a comment on the announcement of the AA.

The AA did coordinated attacks on four BGF police outposts in Buthidaung Township on 4 January.

It also attacked Yoetayote police station in Ponnagyun Township on 9 March and Nyaung Chaung police outpost in Buthidaung Township on 26 July, killing some policemen.