Home Affairs Ministry to sue 164 suspects under Counter-Terrorism Law

A list of 164 people who were designated to be arrested by the Ministry of Home Affairs in connection with the leaders of Arakan Association (Singapore) who have been charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law were seen at the Western District Court, said the lawyer of the defendants.  

20 Sep 2019

Younger brother of Arakan Army’s Commander-in-Chief Major-General Twan Mrat Naing and one of the leaders of Arakan Association (Singapore) Ko Aung Mrat Kyaw.

Myat Win Kyaw | DMG
20 September, Yangon
A list of 164 people who were designated to be arrested by the Ministry of Home Affairs in connection with the leaders of Arakan Association (Singapore) who have been charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law were seen at the Western District Court, said the lawyer of the defendants.  
The lawyer made the remarks after the trial for Arakanese youths who are being sued under section 50 (j) and 52 of the Counter-Terrorism Law at the Western District Court in Yangon on 20 September.
“I saw the list that includes a number of suspects. The list states that the Ministry of Home Affairs allowed the court to arrest the fugitives including Ko Than Tun Naing and take action against them, said U Kyaw Myo Tun, the advocate.
An order issued by Myanmar Anti-Terrorism Central Committee reads that 164 people including Than Tun Naing (alias) Bo Li who is still at large are to be charged under section 50 (j) the Counter-Terrorism Law and Section 512 of the Code of Criminal.
U Kyaw Myo Tun said he doesn’t know exactly whether 14 people who are currently being sued under the Anti-Terrorism Law are included in the list or not.  “I asked concerned officials whether I could copy the list. They told me that they would let me know,” the advocate added.
Asked about the list of 164 suspects, the information officer of the Western District Court Deputy District Judge (Grade-3) U Min Thant denied the reports.
The arrest warrant for Ko Than Tun Naing and Ko Soe Myint who have been charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law 50 (j) was resubmitted to the court during the trial. The suspects will be tried in absentia during the upcoming trial, according to the court’s information officer.
The arrest warrant for three suspects identified as Kyaw Han from Sittwe, Thar Tun Aung from Ramree Township, and Tun Min Naing (aka) Aye Tun from Htantabin Township, Yangon Region along with Aung Myo Win who has been sued under the Counter-Terrorism Law 50 (j) was submitted to the court.
The court fixed the next hearing date for 25 September to question eight Arakanese youths including the leader of the Arakan Association (Singapore) Aung Mrat Kyaw who have been charged under the Anti-Terrorism Law and witnesses, the lawyer said.

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