A Mrauk-U resident shot by Tatmadaw

A man from Pauk Taw Pyin village, Mrauk-U Township, who was returning home from tending his cattle, was shot by Tatmadaw troops.

By Aung Htein 24 Aug 2019

Aung Htein | DMG
24 August, Sittwe
A man from Pauk Taw Pyin village, Mrauk-U Township, who was returning home from tending his cattle, was shot by Tatmadaw troops.

Four villagers met with a Tatmadaw troop on the way to their village on the afternoon of 23 August at about 2 a.m. They tended to their cattle off Mt. Phaya Taung east of their village. U Thein Maung, 47, was shot by the Tatmadaw troop because he tried to run when he saw soldiers, his family members said.

He was hit by a bullet in his left hip, said his uncle U Kyan Aye.

“They were walking to the village. He was walking in front. One villager behind him saw the military troop. So, the villager told him about the soldiers. So, he ran from the area, but he was shot from the back,” U Kyan Aye said.

Only U Thein Maung received injuries among four villagers. He was sent to Mrauk-U hospital, but was transferred to Sittwe hospital on 24 August because he suffered severe injuries.

Family members are very much concerned about his condition at the moment.

“His condition is critical. We do not want to give any comment about the situation. I would be satisfied if he recovered,” said Daw Ngwe Sein, wife of U Thein Maung.

Family members said U Thein Maung was shot by the Tatmadaw, but Colonel Win Zaw Oo, head of the Western Command, said that he was hit by bullet the AA shot.

“There was no clash at Pauk Taw Pyin village and military troops were not positioned near the village. It might be a bullet shot by the AA,” Colonel Win Zaw Oo said.

The AA’s spokesperson Khaing Thukha responded to the Tatmadaw’s remarks. “It was a fabrication of the Bama Army to hide the war crimes they committed,” Khaing Thukha said.

On the morning of 24 August, an artillery shell landed on a house in Minbya Township’s Pan Myaung village, killing three people and injuring four others.

Villagers said that heavy weapon were fired by the Tatmadaw, but the Tatmadaw accused the AA. The AA responded that it was the Tatmadaw’s weapons.

Three students were killed due to artillery fire on a house. They are Ma Nyo Nyo Win, 16 studying in Grade 11, Maung Min Htet Kyaw, 9 studying in Grade 5 and Maung Aung Kyaw Phyo, 6 studying in kindergarten and 4 others seriously injured.

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