Angu Maw villager arrested for possessing homemade bomb

A fifty-year old villager from Rathedaung Township’s Angu Maw village was arrested on 23 September for having a homemade bomb in his house.

24 Sep 2019

Photo - Aung Than Wai / Facebook

Min Tun | DMG
24 September, Sittwe
A fifty-year old villager from Rathedaung Township’s Angu Maw village was arrested on 23 September for having a homemade bomb in his house.
Following a landmine blast at the village’s jetty on 21 September, military troops and police force searched houses in the village. 
The search team, which included soldiers, police and administrator found a homemade bomb at U Maung San Thein’s home and detained him at Sittwe Myoma police station.
The case comes up for trial on 7 October, family members said.
He was a welder and he was not involved with terrorism activities, his son Ko Khaing Lin Naing said.
“He was wrongly accused. There was a funeral in the village and no one was at home while the bomb was found. We did not know who placed it in his home and how they found it. We knew it was bomb when they had told us,” he said.
A landmine exploded at Asia World Company’s jetty in Angu Maw village on Saturday; firing erupted following the blast and a fifty-year old man was killed by a stray bullet.
The head of Angu Maw police station filed a complaint at Sittwe Myoma police station to prosecute U Maung San Thein under section 50 (a), 51 (c) and 52 (a) of the Counter-Terrorism Law and he was placed in custody by the Sittwe township court today.

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