A changed political and military landscape after launch of Operation 1027 

The regime and the Three Brotherhood Alliance held three rounds of talks due to the China-brokered Haigen Agreement and a ceasefire was reached in the northern Shan State on January 11, 2024.

By Admin 27 Sep 2024

TNLA fighters raise the flag of the Three Brotherhood Alliance. (Photo: TNLA)
TNLA fighters raise the flag of the Three Brotherhood Alliance. (Photo: TNLA)

DMG Newsroom
27 September 2024, Sittwe

It has been nearly a year since the Brotherhood Alliance launched “Operation 1027” in northern Shan State. The alliance, which consists of the Arakkha Army (AA), the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), jointly attacked the military regime in late October 2023.

The regime and the Three Brotherhood Alliance held three rounds of talks due to the China-brokered Haigen Agreement and a ceasefire was reached in the northern Shan State on January 11, 2024.

But the Myanmar military subsequently attacked and captured a hill held by the TNLA in Kyaukme, as well as conducted heavy artillery fire and airstrikes in townships such as Hsenwi, Kutkai, Nawnghkio, Momeik and Mogok. The aggression prompted the TNLA to launch a second round of Operation 1027 in Kyaukme, Nawnghkio and Mogok townships on June 25.

Political observers say the Myanmar military, which no longer appears capable of countering the Operation 1027 offensive, is facing the biggest loss in its history.

“It must be said that ‘Operation 1027’ has already dominated 60 percent of the entire Myanmar. If the MNDAA doesn’t join the second round of ‘Operation 1027’, the theatre of conflict will spread to Pyin Oo Lwin and Mandalay. The People’s Defence Force (PDF), the armed wing of the parallel administration National Unity Government (NUG), will carry out the military operations in Magwe, Mandalay and Sagaing regions,” said U Than Soe Naing, a political analyst.

The regime has lost hundreds of military camps in ethnic areas and 78 towns to the anti-regime forces since the launch of Operation 1027.

The success of anti-regime forces within a short period of time following the launch of Operation 1027 surprised many.

“The Brotherhood Alliance’s Operation 1027 shocked the entire country and the military regime paid a heavy price. The revolutionary forces on mainland Myanmar also fought together and achieved success in operations. The regime has lost nearly 80 towns to the resistance forces,” said U Pe Then, a military and political analyst.

The MNDAA and TNLA have so far seized control of at least 21 towns in northern Shan State since launching Operation 1027.

It has been more than 10 months since fighting between the military and AA resumed in Arakan State on November 13, with the Arakanese ethnic armed group so far having seized effective control of 10 townships in Arakan State and Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State over the intervening months.

“How wide the war fronts will be depends a lot on the decision of the Brotherhood Alliance, the military goals of other revolutionary armed forces, and the unity of the revolutionary forces in mainland Myanmar,” said U Pe Than.