ANP’s proposals approved but government falters

Proposals submitted by MPs from the Arakan National Party were approved in the Arakan State parliament, where the majority are ANP members, but the government is wavering when it comes to putting the proposals into action, MPs said.

28 Jun 2019

Khaing Roe La | DMG

28 June, Sittwe

Proposals submitted by MPs from the Arakan National Party were approved in the Arakan State parliament, where the majority are ANP members, but the government is wavering when it comes to putting the proposals into action, MPs said.

Currently, a proposal urging the union government through the Arakan State government to restore Internet access in the affected eight townships was endorsed by the state parliament on 24 June.

So, MPs would have to wait and see if the cabinet will endorse the proposal, U Aung Than Tin, Arakan State MP for Ponnagyun Township, told the DMG.

“In fact, the central government has a responsibility to put a proposal into action if a proposal is approved by state parliament. If it fails to do so it makes the government look like an autocracy. So, we will wait and see what the cabinet will do regarding the proposal,” he said.

If the union government fails to put the proposal into action, it means the government does not listen to the people, he added.

U Aung Kyaw Zan, minister of Electricity, Industry and Transportation in Arakan State cabinet, said that the regional government have to discuss with the union government the proposal, and urge the government to restore Internet access.

“Since the union government deals with communications affairs, we must submit the case to the union government,” he said.

The Myanmar government ordered a shutdown of mobile data services for nine townships from Arakan and Chin States where armed conflicts are occurring between the Tatmadaw and the AA. The temporary shutdown started in the affected areas on 21 June.

U Hla Thein Aung, Arakan State MP for Minbya Township, requested to lift the ban because the Internet cut-off in war affected area is creating more problems for people in war-affected regions.

In 2016, the Arakan State parliament endorsed a proposal that the state parliament do not accept the Advisory Commission on Arakan State headed by the former Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, but the union government established the commission. So, the approved proposal was in vain.

According to the section 262 (l) (i) and (ii), chief minister of the region or state shall be held accountable to the President and the ministers of the region, or the state shall be held accountable to the Chief Minister of the region or state and to the President through the  Chief Minister of the region or state.