Aid organizations blocked from giving assistance in Mrauk-U

Government authorities have tried to stop to some organizations providing assistance to IDPs in camps in Mrauk-U Township, aid workers said.

14 Aug 2019

Tin Nyo IDP camp in Mrauk - U Township.

Chan Aye | DMG
August 13, Mrauk-U

Government authorities have tried to stop to some organizations providing assistance to IDPs in camps in Mrauk-U Township, aid workers said.

More than 30 camps have been set up in Mrauk-U Township. When the organizations travelled to camps far from the town, the authorities stopped them, said U Tun Hlaing, chairman of Mrauk-U Township’s Arakan National Party.

“It isn’t too hard to travel during this period of fighting. We face restrictions and have to ask for permission,” he said. “Our party’s secretary who is involved in helping IDPs received a complaint. Because of these restrictions we think we have to avoid sending relief items to the camps.”

Some IDP camps in Mrauk-U Township have been forced to relocate due to flooding. The Arakan National Party urged the authorities not to disturb organizations that are helping people in the camps since the IDPs are facing many difficulties.  

“I would like to urge them to think and then only take action that won’t exacerbate existing problems people already face,” said U Tun Hlaing.

In Sittwe, organizations that collect donations to help IDPs were stopped by police and charged and fined.

However, a government official recently said during the Pyithu Hlutaw meeting that it did not place any restrictions on social organizations providing support to IDPs.

“As a government, we are not placing any restrictions on organizations’ support. We are accepting assistance. In this situation, the restrictions are because of security. We are focusing to give assistance to those people who are in places that can’t be reached because of the security situation,” said U Soe Aung, Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement.

Almost 60,000 people in Arakan State have been forced to seek refuge in IDP camps due to fighting between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army (AA) and their main requirement is food and health care.