Arakan businesspeople hope to trade directly in India through Sittwe Port

The Rakhine State Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RSCCI) and an Indian delegation led by India’s Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways met at Sittwe Hotel on Tuesday.

By Admin 10 May 2023

Photo: Rakhine State Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Photo: Rakhine State Chamber of Commerce and Industry

DMG Newsroom
10 May 2023, Sittwe

Local merchants and business owners in Arakan State expect to trade directly with India via the India-funded international Sittwe Port, which opened on Tuesday.

The Rakhine State Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RSCCI) and an Indian delegation led by India’s Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways met at Sittwe Hotel on Tuesday.

The meeting focused on increased production by small-scale and medium-scale businesses in Arakan State, their access to markets, and joint ventures between Indian and local businesspeople in Arakan State.

“We discussed preferential trade and reduction of tariffs on exports from Myanmar through Sittwe Port, and conditions for regular operation of cargo ships between Sittwe and Kolkata, and the possibility for local businessmen to operate their vessels in inland water transport,” a RSCCI statement said.

Officials of the Arakan State Coastal Ship Owners Association also held talks with the Indian delegation. To bring the proposals to fruition, there is a need for the two countries to sign a coastal shipping line agreement, said Arakan State businessman U Khin Maung Gyi.

“With that agreement, ships from India can enter Arakan State, and vice versa. Local businessmen plan to import steel, fertiliser and cement from India,” he said.

Local business owners in Arakan State said they have yet to wait and see how overseas trade will be done through Sittwe Port.

“Indian and Myanmar authorities said the trade will create business opportunities for Arakan State as well as Chin State and Mizoram and Zorinpui in India,” said U Khin Maung Gyi.

Sittwe Port is part of the India-funded Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport project.

Once fully operationalised, the project will provide alternate connectivity from the eastern coast of India to the northeastern states of India through Sittwe Port. The port connects to Paletwa in Myanmar through an inland waterway and from Paletwa to Zorinpui in Mizoram through a road component.