Burglaries rise in Kyaukphyu

A total of 30 cases of burglary and theft were reported in eight urban wards in Kyaukphyu town from August to the second week of September.

By Admin 16 Sep 2023

Burglaries rise in Kyaukphyu

DMG Newsroom
16 September 2023, Kyaukphyu

Increased incidences of burglary and theft have been reported in Kyaukphyu town, according to residents.

A total of 30 cases of burglary and theft were reported in eight urban wards in Kyaukphyu town from August to the second week of September.

In most cases, gold jewelry, motorbikes and handphones were stolen, according to ward administrators.

“There have been frequent burglaries and theft. Sometimes, the burglars were arrested, and sometimes they escaped,” said U Tun Tun Naing, the administrator of Ngalapwe ward.

Administrators say it is difficult to know the extent of the problem, including losses suffered by the victims.

“House owners usually don’t report about burglaries and theft,” said the administrator of Kanyintaw ward, U Nay Lin Tun:  “So, we have no record of stolen items.”

Break-ins occur both under cover of darkness and in broad daylight, said residents.

Ma Aung Shwe Khin from Taung Yin ward, who was the victim of a burglary, said: “They broke open the gate and door of the house. We were sleeping, and we were not aware of the burglary. We only found the broken door the next morning, and that a phone and over 60,000 kyats were stolen.”

Some locals say authorities are not meting out sufficient punishment to deter crime. 

“In some cases, culprits were arrested and handed over to police, but they were only given light punishment and released after short imprisonment. This encourages more theft,” said a resident of Kyaukphyu town.

DMG phone calls to Kyaukphyu Township administrator U Myo Min Htun went unanswered.

Arakan State has seen an increase in crimes like muggings, robbery, and theft due to a number of factors including the coup-induced economic downturn coupled with general price increases.