Two ANP lawmakers resign from Constitutional Amendment Committee

“We have known that the voting system of the committee cannot fulfill the desire of the ANP and other ethnic political parties. So, we are not able to amend the constitution to the extent we want to see. That’s why we decided to withdraw from the committee,”

By Khaing Roe La 04 Sep 2019

Khaing Roe La | DMG
4 September, Sittwe
Two members of the Constitutional Amendment Committee, who are from the Arakan National Party (ANP), handed in their resignation on 3 September.

Pyithu Hluttaw representative U Aung Kyaw Zan and Amyotha Hluttaw representative U Myint Naing have submitted resignation letters under the decision of the ANP’s CEC members meeting, said Daw Aye Nu Sein, spokesperson of the ANP.

“We have known that the voting system of the committee cannot fulfill the desire of the ANP and other ethnic political parties. So, we are not able to amend the constitution to the extent we want to see. That’s why we decided to withdraw from the committee,” Daw Aye Nu Sein said.

The report that includes 3,766 points to amend the 2008 constitution has been endorsed by the parliament. The ANP has proposed 858 points in the report.

Lawmaker U Sein Win, a former NLD member, has also resigned from the Constitutional Amendment Committee on 2 September.

The committee includes 18 NLD members and 8 military MPs. Others are from ethnic political and independent parties. Three of 45 members have resigned now.

The ANP yesterday announced that it stands firm with the stance to necessarily amend the constitution in order to establish the Federal Union that can guarantee self-determination.