Family members of Arakan State inmates call on authorities to allow them prison visits

Family members have called on authorities to allow them to visit inmates detained in prisons across Arakan State as many relatives say they’ve not been able to meet with their loved ones since the third wave of Covid-19 struck last year. 

By DMG 19 Sep 2022

DMG Newsroom
19 September 2022, Sittwe

Family members have called on authorities to allow them to visit inmates detained in prisons across Arakan State as many relatives say they’ve not been able to meet with their loved ones since the third wave of Covid-19 struck last year. 

Family members have reported being denied access to inmates detained in Sittwe Prison, allowed only to leave food and other items with security guards at the prison entrance. 

Prison authorities have said the ban on prison visits is in accordance with the Covid-19 regulations, according to sources close to the Sittwe penitentiary. 

“We are worried about his safety and hope he will be healthy. We want to know how he is living in the prison,” said the mother of Ko Nay Lin Oo, a local man from Ai Tin Village in Ponnagyun Township who was sentenced to prison under Myanmar’s Counter-Terrorism Law. 

As Covid-19 infections have decreased significantly in Arakan State, family members of the inmates are asking the military council to allow them to visit inmates and detainees facing trial. 

“We want to know their health and living conditions in prison,” said Daw Ni Ni Aye, mother of one of the “Kyaukseik five,” who were sentenced to three years in prison under the Counter-Terrorism Law in July. “Are they receiving the food and other items we have sent through prison security guards? We would like to call on authorities to allow us to visit inmates detained in prisons.” 

U Aung Myint, the elder brother of Ko Min Di Par, who was sentenced to 10 years behind bars in February, said he was denied access to his brother. 

“I don’t know his health condition because I was only allowed to leave food and other items with the security guards at the prison entrance. I want to talk to him and meet him in person,” he added. 

DMG was unable to obtain comment from the Arakan State Correctional Department regarding the regime’s restrictions on prison visits.