Myanmar military continues live-fire drills in Arakan State

The Myanmar military continues to test weapons in Arakan State, with junta battalions in Minbya Township conducting ongoing live-fire drills, according to residents. 

By Admin 08 Nov 2023

A Myanmar military joint exercise consisting of infantry, tanks and artillery units in 2012. (Photo: Myanmar Defence Weapons)
A Myanmar military joint exercise consisting of infantry, tanks and artillery units in 2012. (Photo: Myanmar Defence Weapons)

DMG Newsroom
8 November 2023, Minbya

The Myanmar military continues to test weapons in Arakan State, with junta battalions in Minbya Township conducting ongoing live-fire drills, according to residents. 

Military Training School No. 9 in Minbya Township has been carrying out live-fire exercises, said residents. 

“We heard gunfire and artillery strikes. We don’t know where they are firing. We heard around 40 gunshots between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. this morning,” said a male villager of May Lwan village in Minbya Township on Wednesday.

There are around 10 villages near the military training school. Local residents have expressed concerns as they were not notified about the drills.

“Though they are just conducting drills, we are concerned, especially because we were not notified about it,” said a female resident of Oh Pone Taung Village in Minbya.

The military school in Minbya previously carried out live-fire drills on October 19-20.

The Light Infantry Battalion based in Ponnagyun town test-fired artillery and arms on October 27, and in July, Light Infantry Battalion No. 379 based in Minbya town carried out live-fire drills as well, said residents.

Residents say the regime should notify locals about live-fire drills to avoid inducing public panic.

“In previous years, cows were killed in explosions of mines [planted by the Myanmar military]. Cattle grazing in fields can be hit by artillery strikes. So, they should notify villagers if they are to conduct drills,” said a resident of Kanni Village.

DMG was unable to obtain comment from Arakan State security and border affairs minister Colonel Kyaw Thura regarding the live-fire drills.

It has been nearly one year since the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army observed an unofficial ceasefire in Arakan State on November 26, 2022.

But locals in Arakan State are concerned that fresh fighting may break out in Arakan State as the AA is fighting alongside its allies, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and Ta’ang National Liberation Army, in “Operation 1027” against regime strongholds in northern Shan State. Meanwhile, the regime has reinforced its troops in Arakan State, and imposed tighter checks on civilians.