Clashes near villages force local residents to flee

“I am concerned about my village. If artillery shells landed in our village, houses would be demolished. And I am also anxious about the possibility that soldiers will enter our village and make trouble with villagers who are there,”

By Phadu Tun Aung 02 Jun 2019

(People from Shwetamar village are fleeing to safety due to clashes near their village. Photo _ Chit Mare Nwe)

Phadu Tun Aung | DMG

June 2, Sittwe

Clashes between the Tatmadaw and the AA erupted on the afternoon of June 2 near a village in Minbya Township, forcing villagers to flee to safety.

The clashes occurred at about 2pm and local residents from Shwetamar village, located at the bottom of a hill with over 200 houses, were worried about heavy artillery shells landing on their homes. The villagers took refuge in the monastery located on the hill, U Kyaw Thein, administrator of Shwetamar village, told the DMG.

“I am concerned about my village. If artillery shells landed in our village, houses would be demolished. And I am also anxious about the possibility that soldiers will enter our village and make trouble with villagers who are there,” he said in the evening at about 5:30pm.

He added that there were no injuries resulting from the clashes, but people were disturbed when shells landed outside their village because they knew their lives were in jeopardy.

“We could not prepare our dinner, for now we just nibble on snacks. They are still fighting and using heavy artillery,” U Kyaw Thein said.

The AA confirmed the flareup of skirmishes near Shwetamar village. The DMG also phoned Colonel Win Zaw Oo from the Western Command, but a person who answered the phone call said that Colonel Win Zaw Oo was not available for comments.

In Arakan State, the Tatmadaw and the AA are fighting every day and local residents are fleeing from their homes for their safety.

Thus, more than 100 political and social organizations demand an end to the fighting and to seek a solution through constructive dialogue. This demand was delivered in a political talk titled “Arakan State’s affair is the matter of the Union of Myanmar” held on June 2.