Two men slain in cold blood

Two men from Pauk Too Taung village in Myebon Township were shot dead on 5 July at about 8 p.m, according to an MP for Myebon Township.

06 Jul 2019


Khaing Roe La | DMG

6 July, Myebon


Two men from Pauk Too Taung village in Myebon Township were shot dead on 5 July at about 8 p.m, according to an MP for Myebon Township.


U Maung Ba Kyan and his son-in-law Paing Soe (aka) Paing Thet Kyaw were killed. U Maung Ba Kyan owned a restaurant.


“Three men in masks entered a house and shot U Maung Ba Kyan. When they saw his son-in-law, they killed him too. I did not know if he was killed by a knife or gun,” said Pyithu Hluttaw MP U Pe Than.


While U Maung Ba Kyan was preparing dinner in the house, three men arrived and shot guns twice and also used knives. His son-in-law was shot dead in the guest room, a villager from Pauk Too Taung village said.


The DMG called Kan Htauk Gyi police station in Myebon Township about the murder, a police officer confirmed the incident but he didn’t provide details of the murder.


“Two men died, but I cannot elaborate on the details. My superiors will not discuss the specifics of the situation,” the police officer said.


Arakan State MP U Aung Win said that similar cases have occurred in Myebon Township previously but perpetrators could not be arrested, which shows that the government is grossly lacking security measures.


“I think security for villagers is very slack because local residents from Kya Inn Taung and Sa Nyin villages were blatantly murdered. There has been no effort whatsoever to apprehend the assailants and arrest them for the murders so this sends a clear and strong signal to villagers that local authorities are not interested in the general welfare of villagers, which is appalling,” U Aung Win said.


Currently, the bodies of two men were at Kan Htauk Gyi hospital for an autopsy report.