Myanmar military conducts live-fire artillery drills off coast of Arakan State

The Myanmar military reportedly carried out live-fire drills using artillery weapons at two locations in Arakan State’s Rathedaung Township on February 19, with another two locations in Manaung Township slated to see similar exercises on February 22. 

By DMG 19 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
19 February 2022, Rathedaung 

The Myanmar military reportedly carried out live-fire drills using artillery weapons at two locations in Arakan State’s Rathedaung Township on February 19, with another two locations in Manaung Township slated to see similar exercises on February 22. 

The drill was conducted from military encampments on the islands of Nant Thar and Mayu in Rathedaung Township on Saturday, and will take place on Manaung and Kyun Thar Yar islands in Manaung Township this coming Tuesday. 

Gunfire could be heard in Rathedaung Township on Saturday morning, said U Naing Lin Htet, the township administrator. 

“The Tatmadaw [Myanmar military] informed us that it would conduct artillery exercises. We do not know what kind of weapons. Gunfire was heard in Rathedaung Township at around 10:30 today,” he said. “This is a routine of the Myanmar military, so I want to say that the public should not be too worried.” 

“The Tatmadaw’s statement on February 16 warned all boats, motorboats, and ships not to enter a 10-mile radius around the islands where shooting practice is planned,” he said. 

The artillery tests during a time of relative peace in Arakan State have raised concerns about a resumption of hostilities between the military and Arakan Army or other non-state armed groups, said U Ba Thein, a resident of Minfu village in Rathedaung Township. 

“Locals are increasingly dissatisfied with the artillery drills on the islands. The locals are very worried about fighting when they are living in peace,” he told DMG. 

Fishermen on Manaung and Kyun Thar Yar islands have been warned not to go fishing on February 22, said an official from the Manaung Township General Administration Department.  

“The Tatmadaw will be conducting artillery drills on February 22, and fishermen have been warned not to go fishing for safety reasons,” he said. 

But U Tun Thein, a fisherman from Meinmakywe village in Manaung Township, said locals there had not been notified of the planned military exercises. 

“In the past, the village administrator was notified if the Myanmar military fired heavy artillery. Some fishing boats went out to sea because the locals did not know about the artillery exercise. In any case, I want all locals to be informed if there is a heavy artillery fire drill,” he added. 

DMG contacted Arakan State Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Kyaw Thura about the military’s artillery exercises, but he could not be reached.