Crop damage prompts livelihood concerns in post-cyclone Arakan State

Some 4,000 acres of crops in Arakan State were destroyed by Cyclone Mocha, which made landfall with destructive force on May 14, the junta-controlled Myanmar Alinn daily reported last month.

By Admin 03 Jun 2023

Betel nut farms destroyed by Cyclone Mocha in Ngamelpyin Village, Mrauk-U Township.
Betel nut farms destroyed by Cyclone Mocha in Ngamelpyin Village, Mrauk-U Township.

DMG Newsroom
3 June 2023, Sittwe

Some 4,000 acres of crops in Arakan State were destroyed by Cyclone Mocha, which made landfall with destructive force on May 14, the junta-controlled Myanmar Alinn daily reported last month.

Among 4,000 acres of crops destroyed by the cyclonic storm were 605 acres of banana, 1,345 acres of betel nut, 58 acres of betel leaves, 231 acres of nipa palm leaves, five acres of rubber, and 1,709 acres of assorted fruit trees, the newspaper reported.

Betel nut farmers are worried that the loss of betel nut trees will affect their livelihoods as betel nut yields will decrease in the coming years.

“For those who own about five acres of betel nut farms, two acres were destroyed by the cyclonic storm. The betel nut trees that were left undamaged by the storm have also dropped their fruits, so it is not certain that they will be able to harvest them next year. The betel nut yield will decrease in the coming years,” said U Kyaw Htay, a betel nut farm owner from Ngapu Village in Minbya Township.

Betel nuts are grown in Minbya, Mrauk-U, Manaung and Kyauktaw townships on a commercial scale and are exported to Bangladesh.

Many acres of betel leaves in the Taw Phyar Chaung area of Ponnagyun Township were destroyed by the cyclone storm, locals said.

“Almost all villages in Taw Phyar Chaung area grow betel leaves on a commercial scale. The prices of betel leaves are going up since many acres of betel leaf farms were destroyed by the storm. Most betel leaves being consumed in Arakan State are grown in the Taw Phyar Chaung area,” said Ko Aung Kyaw, a local man from Poe Shwee Pyin Village.

Over 200 acres of nipa palm leaves in Arakan State have been damaged by Cyclone Mocha, and there are many difficulties in the reconstruction of houses affected by the cyclonic storm.

“Many acres of nipa palm leaves were destroyed by the storm and we cannot buy nipa palm leaves to repair our damaged homes,” said Daw Hsan May, a local woman from Kalaka Village in Mrauk-U Township.

Nipa palm leaves are mainly grown in Arakan State’s Sittwe, Mrauk-U, Rathedaung, and Buthidaung townships.

The prices of some basic food items in post-cyclone Arakan State have risen by as much as double, and locals have had to bear the brunt of the impact of the storm as well as the high prices.

Cyclone Mocha destroyed 62,836 acres of crops in Arakan State, Magway, Mandalay, Sagaing and Ayeyarwaddy regions, the regime said.