Woman injured by landmine

A landmine exploded near Chaung Tu village in Kyauktaw Township at twelve noon yesterday, injuring a woman.

By Win Nyunt 19 Sep 2019

Win Nyunt | DMG

19 September, Sittwe

A landmine exploded near Chaung Tu village in Kyauktaw Township at twelve noon yesterday, injuring a woman.

Daw Than Than Nu, 46, from Chaung Tu village stepped on a landmine on the way to a mountain near their village to pick bamboo shoots for food, villagers said.

“She received severe injuries. Her left leg was blown off by the blast. And there are a lot of wounds to her face and body,” said Ko Tun Tun, a local resident from Chaung Tu village.

The victim was carried to Sittwe hospital.

More than 80 civilians were killed and about 100 received injuries during the fighting between the Tatmadaw and the AA in northern Arakan State from December last year through September this year.

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