Landmines a growing threat to Kyaukphyu residents

Landmines planted by the Myanmar regime in Arakan State's Kyaukphyu Township, where there is currently no fighting between the military and Arakkha Army (AA), are posing a threat to the lives and livelihoods of residents.

By Admin 28 Sep 2024

The Myanmar military's Kyauktalone security checkpoint in Kyaukphyu is pictured in August 2023.
The Myanmar military's Kyauktalone security checkpoint in Kyaukphyu is pictured in August 2023.

DMG Newsroom
28 September 2024, Kyaukphyu

Landmines planted by the Myanmar regime in Arakan State's Kyaukphyu Township, where there is currently no fighting between the military and Arakkha Army (AA), are posing a threat to the lives and livelihoods of residents.

The number of people killed in landmine blasts has been rising over recent days in Kyaukphyu Township, where several significant Chinese investment projects are located and military tensions between the military and AA are running high.

Ko Maung Maung, a 24-year-old man from Ohntaw Village in Kyaukphyu Township, was killed in a landmine blast near the No. 32 police battalion on September 27 while he, together with three companions, was on his way to the forest to collect bamboo shoots.

"He lost his legs in the landmine explosion. He was sent to Kyaukphyu Hospital at around 4 p.m., but he died on the way due to severe injuries," said a local woman from Ohntaw Village.

Locals in Kyaukphyu have accused the military of planting landmines near the junta's No. 32 police battalion.

"The military planted landmines at a location between a hill and No. 32 police battalion. Locals saw some junta soldiers planting landmines on Mt. Doetan near No. 32 police battalion three days ago," said a nearby resident.

A local woman from Kyaukphyu was killed by a landmine on September 17 while collecting vegetables near Aung Zedi Village on the outskirts of the island town of Kyaukphyu.

The regime has planted numerous landmines in the paddy fields, forests and mountains near junta battalions, military camps and the Danyawadi naval base, locals said.

"There is no fierce fighting in Kyaukphyu Township, but local people are worried about the risk of landmines. The regime has planted several landmines in Kyaukphyu Township to defend against an AA attack. The number of locals killed or injured in the landmine blasts is on the rise," said a social activist in Kyaukphyu.

According to a DMG tally, eight people have been killed and 13 others were injured in landmine blasts in Kalarbar, Pyaingsayke, Hnanphetaung, Ohntaw, Malakyun and Aung Zedi villages since renewed fighting between Myanmar's military regime and the AA began in November of last year.

The AA has surrounded Kyaukphyu and the junta battalions based there, but local residents are hoping there are limits to any military action by either side due to the existence of the Chinese projects, in which investments amount to billions of dollars.