Tatmadaw detainee has medical treatment in Ann hospital

A man who has been detained by the Tatmdaw was submitted to Ann hospital on November 21 to have medical treatment, the family of the detainee said.

By Khaing Roe La 21 Nov 2019

On the 10th day after being detained, the Tatmadaw transferred the detainees to Ann township police station where the families were allowed to meet them.

Khaing Roe La | DMG
November 21, Ann

A man who has been detained by the Tatmdaw was submitted to Ann hospital on November 21 to have medical treatment, the family of the detainee said.

The captive is U Hla Tun Chay @ Nga Lone, 32 from Mya Day Taung village in Myebon Township and  he was detained by a Tatmadaw unit on November 11 near Yay Bote village in Ann Township along with two other people.

On the 10th day after being detained on November 20, the Tatmadaw transferred the detainees to Ann township police station where the families were allowed to meet them.

Daw Aye Aye Than, wife of U Hla Tun Chay, said that her husband is suffering many injuries on body from being physically abused.

“When they questioned him, they beat him. That’s why he has many injuries to his face, hands, and legs. They beat him with stones and guns. His right hand is jaundiced and the injury is very severe,” she told DMG.

Regarding of U Hla Tun Chay, Colonel Win Zaw Oo from the Western Command responded that he didn’t know about U Hla Tun Chay’s situation. 

The Tamadaw also detained four people in Kyauktaw Township and transferred them to the police station. One of them was brought to Kyauktaw hospital on November 20 to have medical treatment for his injuries.

The family members, who met the detainees at the police station, said that the detainees are suffering from injuries after being physically confronted.

The Tatmadaw detained another 10 civilians on November 20: five people from Ywar Tharyar (Yaw Chaung) village and two people from Mya Day Taung village in Myebon township, 2 people from Thalu Maw village and one from Yue Sanpya village in Ann township and transferred to Ann Myoma police station.

The DMG tried to contact deputy police officer Aye Min from Ann Myoma police station about the 10 detained civilians, and his assistance answered the phone call and said that, “My boss is typing and he is busy.”

Daw Aye Aye Than said that she hasn’t known yet which law her husband will be charged under.

The DMG tried to contact U Ko Ko Myat, Ann Township General Administrative Officer about this situation, and he responded that he was in Yangon and didn’t know about it.

Daw Ma Khaing Chay, wife of U Maung Than Myint from Ywar Tharyar village who has been detained along with other nine people, said that although she heard that her husband was brought to Ann police station, she wasn’t able to go and meet him because of family’s financial situation.

Related Post : Tatmadaw beats four detainees from Thayat Tabin village, families says