Military’s disposal of old munitions leaves locals on edge in Ann Twsp


The Myanmar military’s apparent disposal of expired munitions outside the base of Light Infantry Battalion No. 373 (LIB 373) in Ann Township, Arakan State, on Wednesday is rattling nerves in a region already on edge over the recent resumption of hostilities between junta troops and the Arakan Army. 

By DMG 09 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
9 February 2022, Ann 

The Myanmar military’s apparent disposal of expired munitions outside the base of Light Infantry Battalion No. 373 (LIB 373) in Ann Township, Arakan State, on Wednesday is rattling nerves in a region already on edge over the recent resumption of hostilities between junta troops and the Arakan Army. 

Major Myo Min Thant, a military officer, reportedly communicated to respective village administrators about the impending disposal of expired ammunition during a meeting held at the township administrator’s office in Ann on January 31. The military informed local officials that it would destroy expired ammunition several times a day from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., according to an administrator who spoke on condition of anonymity. 

“The Myanmar military informed the village administrators that it would destroy expired ammunition about five miles north of LIB 373,” the unnamed administrator said. 

The military’s disposal of expired munitions appears to have begun on Wednesday morning, with explosions heard in downtown Ann and outlying villages such as Ywar Thayar. But many residents feared the destruction of the ammunition was instead live artillery fire, in the wake of military clashes with the Arakan Army in neighbouring Maungdaw Township. 

“Loud explosions of unusable ammunition caused concern among local people. The Myanmar military should notify locals of the disposal of expired ammunition in advance. When expired ammunition is destroyed without prior notice, many people are shocked,” said Ko Myo Lwin, a resident of Ann town. 

“There may be a lot of fear among the people at the moment, when there is fighting in Maungdaw Township,” Ko Myo Lwin said. 

DMG contacted Colonel Kyaw Thura, the Arakan State minister of Security and Border Affairs, and Major-General Zaw Min Tun, deputy minister for Information and spokesperson for the junta’s State Administration Council (SAC), about the military’s disposal of munitions in Ann Township, but they could not be reached for comment. 

Military tensions between the Myanmar military and Arakan Army (AA) in Maungdaw Township have escalated in recent days, with fighting first flaring on February 4.