Mrauk-U city must become a DMZ

Any organization who fires guns in the historical city of Mrauk-U is a criminal, said U Oo Hla Saw, Pyithu Hluttaw representative for Mrauk-U Township.

By Sein Ko Ko 14 Jun 2019

Mrauk-U city is an ancient capital of the last Arakan kingdom.

Sein Ko Ko | DMG

13 June, Sittwe

Any organization who fires guns in the historical city of Mrauk-U is a criminal, said U Oo Hla Saw, Pyithu Hluttaw representative for Mrauk-U Township.

Battles that erupt in the cultural heritage zone tarnish the dignity of the Tatmadaw and the nation and Mrauk-U shall be deemed a demilitarized zone, U Oo Hla Saw said.

“We are going to recognize Mrauk-U as demilitarized zone. Anyone who fire weapons there is a miscreant who defiles history.  Mrauk-U is not a place to conduct military operations whether you are the Tatmadaw or the AA or any other groups. It’s not a matter of saying which side is right or wrong when war is waged. The place will become a historical landmark site very soon. So, we should demarcate it as a demilitarized zone,” he said.

Authorities are now preparing to submit Mrauk-U City to the list of world heritage sites in September and if it enters the list, the country and Arakan State will have a greater feeling of pride for the region and the country. In addition, tourism in the region will receive a well needed boost.

“Clashes have occurred in the region. Tatmadaw troops are stationed on the hills and villagers frequently flee in fear. This is not good for the nation because now the eyes of the western world view events in Myanmar in an unfavorable light. This impairs the dignity of the government and it’s standing army,” he said.

In March, mortar shells landed on Mrauk-U city, some pagodas were destroyed and some civilians were injured. Moreover, two villagers died in Paung Dook village in Mrauk-U Township and villagers fled from their homes.

Mrauk-U city is an ancient capital of the last Arakan kingdom.