Thousands of Muslims flee on fears of fresh fighting in Maungdaw

Thousands of Muslims from several villages in Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships have fled to safer locations since May 5 due to the possibility of fighting near their villages.

By Admin 11 May 2024

Photo: AA
Photo: AA

DMG Newsroom
11 May 2024, Maungdaw

Thousands of Muslims from approximately two dozen villages in Maungdaw District, Arakan State, have reportedly fled to safer locations in fear due to the possibility of fighting between the military and Arakkha Army (AA).

Thousands of Muslims from several villages in Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships have fled to safer locations since May 5 due to the possibility of fighting near their villages.

“We can’t stay in the village and are worried about our safety if the fighting breaks out near the village. Children and elderly people have fled to safer locations and a few people remain in the village,” said a displaced person.

There has been no fighting between the two sides near the Muslim village, but Muslims are fleeing their homes because they fear that the military regime will force them to serve in the army and the AA has advised them to flee.

“The AA informed us to flee due to the possibility of fighting near the villages. We will be trapped if the fighting erupts in urban areas. Muslims fled to safer locations following the AA’s notification,” said a source close to the Muslim community.

The displaced people are facing food and health challenges as they do not receive assistance due to internet access and phone lines being cut off in conflict-torn Maungdaw District.

“Neither Muslims nor Arakanese people are safe. The displaced people are facing livelihood hardships. We can’t think how to handle this problem in the long run. We are concerned about how to survive today,” said a social activist in Maungdaw.

The AA is stepping up attacks on the junta’s BGF battalions and military camps to control the entire Maungdaw region, with the regime using artillery and warplanes to defend against the AA onslaught.

The number of people displaced by the latest hostilities in Arakan State, which began on November 13, has surpassed 166,000.