Tribunal to deal with Arakanese youths’ case charged terrorism law

The Yangon western district court set up a tribunal yesterday to deal with the case of Arakanese youths of Arakan Association (Singapore) who have been charged under Counter-Terrorism Law, according to lawyers.

By Myat Win Kyaw 24 Aug 2019

Myat Win Kyaw | DMG
24 August, Yangon

The Yangon western district court set up a tribunal yesterday to deal with the case of Arakanese youths of Arakan Association (Singapore) who have been charged under Counter-Terrorism Law, according to lawyers.

The Supreme Court of the Union on 16 August had instructed to examine the case at the tribunal and the judge of the Western district court presided over the tribunal while a deputy judge of the district court has joined as a member of the tribunal, explained advocate U Kyaw Myo Tun.

The court hearing on Friday started examining two witnesses in the absence of Ko Than Tun Naing and Ko Maung Soe Myint, who have been proclaimed as culprits and charged under section 50 (j) of the Counter-Terrorism Law.

“A warrant for one of the two accused has been approved. A police officer and an administrator have been questioned today,” lawyer U Kyaw Myo Tun said yesterday.

The court has not examined the case of eight Arakanese people _Ko Aung Mrat Kyaw, Ko Tun Aye, Ko Hein Zaw, Ko Ye Kyaw Htet, Ma May Gyi, Ko Tin Hlaing Oo, Ko Myat Lay Oo and Ko Shwe Hlaing Than_ who have been charged under section 50 (j) and 52 (a).

Ko Aung Myo Win who has been charged with a separate case under section 50 (j) of the Counter-Terrorism Law has been remanded up to 6 September.

The eight Arakanese people have been charged for connection with the Arakan Army and supporting the AA.