Myanmar’s most powerful EAO calls for dialogue to end civil war

The UWSP called for finding solutions through dialogue so that the economy can recover and internally displaced people (IDPs) can return home safely.

By Admin 30 Jul 2024

The 35th anniversary event of the UWSA signing of a ceasefire in Pangkham in April 2024. (Photo: WSTV)
The 35th anniversary event of the UWSA signing of a ceasefire in Pangkham in April 2024. (Photo: WSTV)

DMG Newsroom
30 July 2024, Sittwe

The United Wa State Party (UWSP), the political wing of Myanmar’s most powerful ethnic armed organisation (EAO) the United Wa State Army (UWSA), has called for dialogue to end armed conflicts across the country including in northern Shan State.

In its statement on Monday, the UWSP said Myanmar is on the brink of a breakup due to those armed conflicts, and people are feeling hopeless amid an economic catastrophe as production and trade have suffered and businesses are closing their doors.

The UWSP called for finding solutions through dialogue so that the economy can recover and internally displaced people (IDPs) can return home safely.

Armed conflict will deepen frictions between races, intensify grudges, and ultimately result in incurable emotional wounds, said the UWSP statement.

All the organisations involved in the conflicts must not act in their own interests while ignoring the interests of the people, said the UWSP.

The UWSP again pledged neutrality with respect to the ongoing anti-regime Operation 1027.

The UWSP has de facto control over the Wa Self-Administration Division in Shan State, which the UWSP refers to as Wa State.

The UWSA is an ally of the tripartite Brotherhood Alliance, which includes the Arakkha Army (AA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA). The three groups are also members of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee led by the UWSA.

The three alliance members are currently fighting the regime in northern Shan, Mandalay Region and Arakan State.