Ethnic media outlets strive to have justice

The Burma News International (BNI) held the 7th Ethnic Media Conference in Kachin State’s capital Myitkyina from 16 to 18 September with the intention to push for restoring justice using the driving force of ethnic media groups.

16 Sep 2019

Min Tun | DMG
16 September, Myitkyeena
The Burma News International (BNI) held the 7th Ethnic Media Conference in Kachin State’s capital Myitkyina from 16 to 18 September with the intention to push for restoring justice using the driving force of ethnic media groups.

A law that could protect media personnel should be enacted because journalists were lacking security while the sustainability of ethnic media groups in Myanmar was becoming a challenge, Nan Paw Gay, chairperson of the BNI’s Policy Affairs Committee, said in the three-day event.

“Since civil war is still occurring in Myanmar, there is no guarantee for the safety of correspondents who access information in battle zones,” Nan Paw Gay said.

The ethnic media outlets need the aid of the government as well as local CSOs and other people because now they have little support to carry out their work, ethnic media groups said in the event.

The theme of the event, attended Kachin State chief minister, CSOs and ethnic journalists from different ethnic regions across Myanmar, was “Ethnic Media for Justice” and topics for media personnel and journalists were discussed during the event.

The Ethnic Media Conference was held in all respective states in Myanmar since 2013.