Fire victims in Ann in urgent need of humanitarian assistance

A fire broke out in Ann town, Arakan State, on Sunday, destroying nine huts and nine homes in No. 3 ward and leaving about 90 people without shelter or food.

By DMG 21 Mar 2022

Photo: Ann New Generation Youth Association – ANGYA

DMG Newsroom
21 March 2022, Ann

A fire broke out in Ann town, Arakan State, on Sunday, destroying nine huts and nine homes in No. 3 ward and leaving about 90 people without shelter or food.

The fire is believed to have started from kitchen embers, eventually destroying the 18 residences and much of their inhabitants’ possessions.

“All the items were on fire, so there are no clothes to wear. We are currently arranging food for the fire victims,” said Ma Aye Aye Naing, a philanthropist from Ann New Generation Youth Association (ANGYA). “We are also planning to work with donors to provide much-needed assistance to the fire victims.”

U Tin Oo, who lost his home in the blaze, said that although the department had compiled the list of fire victims, no assistance had been provided so far.

“Although the concerned departments compiled a list of fire victims, we have not been provided with relief items. I don’t know whom to trust. We currently rely on relief supplies donated by others,” he explained.

The fire victims are sheltering at a local religious edifice and have several material needs, said U Than Cho, secretary of Doh Myay Doh Yay charitable organisation.

“The fire victims are currently taking refuge at a religious building and are in need of humanitarian assistance such as clothing, medicine and food. I think charities can’t help as much as usual because there are many fire victims,” he added.

DMG attempts to contact U Shwe Aye, the Ann Township administrator, for comment on the matter were unsuccessful.

Those wishing to donate to the fire victims in Ann Township can contact Ann New Generation Youth Group (+95 09 880 609 426) and Ko Than Cho, secretary of Doh Myay Doh Yay charitable organisation (+95 09 455 600 541).