Five schools temporarily closed

Five village schools have been temporarily closed after Nyaung Chaung police outpost in Buthidaung Township was attacked, said deputy education officer for Buthidaung Township.

02 Aug 2019

Cha Lu Aung | DMG

2 August, Maungdaw

Five village schools have been temporarily closed after Nyaung Chaung police outpost in Buthidaung Township was attacked, said deputy education officer for Buthidaung Township.

“Schools in nearby villages have been closed after the attack at Nyaung Chaung police station. They will be reopening in a few days,” said U Maung Win Naing, deputy education officer for Buthidaung Township.

The Nyaung Chaung border guard force outpost was attacked by the Arakan Army on 26 July.

A sub-high school in Nyaung Chaung village, post-primary schools in Rakhine Nyaung Chaung, Thein Taung Byin and Thein Taung Byin (Daing Net) villages and a primary school in Gantgaw Myaing village have been temporarily closed now.

Moreover, a sub-high school in Phone Nyo Late village has been closed since yesterday, students from Phone Nyo Late village said.

“It is three days now we have been hearing the sound of gunfire and fighter jets have been seen in the sky for a couple of days, so school is closed,” a student said.

Local residents from 11 villages_ Pyin Chaung, Myoma Chaung, A Lay Chaung, Thayet Pyin, Sha Shar Taung, U Yin Thar, San Go Daung, Nwa Yone Daung, Kan Pyin, Si Taung and Saba Htar villages _have been taking shelter in IDP camps due to the clashes in Buthidaung Township.

Schools have also been closed in these villages, local sources said.