Arakan State parliament endorses setting up investigation committee for civilian deaths

With civilians killed or injured during the fighting in Arakan State, a proposal urging the regional government to establish a committee to investigate civilian deaths was passed on Monday.

24 Sep 2019

Kyaw Thu Htay | DMG
24 September, Sittwe
With civilians killed or injured during the fighting in Arakan State, a proposal urging the regional government to establish a committee to investigate civilian deaths was passed on Monday.

U Tun Tha Sein, Arakan State MP for Mrauk-U Township, on 19 September put forward the proposal to set up an investigation committee with members of parliament, departmental officials and individuals from CSOs.

Four lawmakers including military MP debated the motion, then the regional government submitted the proposal to parliament.

The regional parliament decided under a rising vote method, 12 MPs voted to record the proposal and another 21 MPs voted to pass the proposal. There was one abstention.

Military-appointed lawmaker Lieutenant-Colonel Min Thu argued that the proposal could mislead people about the Tatmadaw and would disrupt the mental condition and performance of soldiers to perform their duties.

He added that he objected the proposal because it was sure that the Tatmadaw would take responsibility for the results of the investigation, but it could not be confirmed who would be held accountable from the AA.

Since the AA strongly influenced people from conflict affected areas with fear, it was difficult to get to the truth, the military MP said.

Arakanese lawmakers said that people were killed in their home by stray bullets or pieces of shrapnel in some villages.

U Tun Aung Thein, Arakan State MP for Buthidaung Township, said that the regional government should properly reveal the truth about who was responsible for collateral damage.
“We can get to the truth only when a case is investigated,” he said.

He added that the findings should be shown transparently and effective plans should be set to protect people from being harmed.

Over 80 people were killed and over130 people received injuries due to the ongoing hostilities in Arakan State, said Arakanese MPs.