Four KNDF members killed during clash with junta forces in Kayah State’s Demoso Twsp
Fierce fighting broke out between junta forces and the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) near Ho Phate village in Kayah State’s Demoso Township on November 25, killing four KNDF members.
27 Nov 2021
DMG Newsroom
27 November 2021, Kayah State
Fierce fighting broke out between junta forces and the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) near Ho Phate village in Kayah State’s Demoso Township on November 25, killing four KNDF members.
The junta forces also reported high casualties during the clash.
Two military columns conducted offensive operations near the village, which resulted in the hostilities and both sides suffering casualties, a KNDF official told DMG.
“Their military columns marched near the village in the early morning and a clash broke out. Then, the fighting became fierce. Both sides had casualties. But, they [junta forces] had high casualties,” he said.
KNDF-Demoso on November 26 reported that members of the public and KNDF have held funerals for the fallen KNDF soldiers.
Junta forces detained seven people from Ho Phate village and used them as human shields before releasing them in the afternoon of November 25, a resident witness said.
“They aimed at villagers with guns and brought them along with the military column,” she said.
Moreover, more than 100 members of the military’s Infantry Battalion No. 427 have been conducting offensive operations at Six-mile village, destroying at least 10 houses in the village by fire, villagers said.
Most residents there have fled their homes and are taking shelter at nearby IDP camps due to the fighting.