Government provides over K 260 million for IDPs

The Arakan State Peace and Stability Supporting Committee provided over K260 million for about 30,000 refugees living in seven townships in Arakan State.

By Min Tun 22 May 2019


(Photo - Rakhine State Chief Minister U Nyi Pu | Facebook Page)

Min Tun | DMG

May 22, Sittwe

The Arakan State Peace and Stability Supporting Committee provided over K260 million for about 30,000 refugees living in seven townships in Arakan State.

The fund is calculated at K300 ($0.2) per a person for a day for a month.

U Win Myint, minister of Municipal Affairs in Arakan State, said that the fund was given based on the population of a household of IDPs who are taking shelter in Mrauk-U, Minbya, Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung and Pauktaw townships following armed conflicts in their regions.

The committee gave over K90 million for refugees in Mrauk-U Township, over K80 million for refugees in Rathedaung Township, over K20 million for refugees in Minbya, Buthidaung and Kyauktaw Township respectively, and over K10 million for refugees in Ponnagyun and Pauktaw Townships.

Over 10,400 refugees in Mrauk-U have been provided cash for one month since May 19, according to Mrauk-U Youth’s Association. The daily cost of K300 can buy two tins of rice.

“The financial aid is enough for one month,” Ko Moe Zaw Myint, chairman of the Mrauk-U Youth’s Association.

Recently, IDP camps face water and firewood shortages and there will be more difficulties during the rainy season, he said.