Govt’s ban on donations denounced

The government’s ban made IDPs incur more difficulty, he added. “They are now in need of food and water. The rains will come soon. They need proper shelter for the rainy season,” he said.

By Min Tun 30 Apr 2019

(On April 6, one charity group was stopped by local police in Sittwe.)

Min Tun/ DMG

April 30, Sittwe


The All Rakhine Unity Committee criticized the regional government’s ban on collecting funds and donations to relieve the troubles of tens of thousands of IDPs in Rakhine State by releasing an announcement on Monday.


U Khin Maung Gyi, spokesperson of the Committee, said they denounced the regional government because it did not provide aid sufficiently for IDPs and was prohibiting people’s help.


“If they do not want people helping IDPs, they should provide sufficient relief aid for them,” he said.


The government’s ban made IDPs incur more difficulty, he added. “They are now in need of food and water. The rains will come soon. They need proper shelter for the rainy season,” he said.


A youth charity group collecting fund for IDPs was stopped by police in Sittwe on April 6 because they lacked a permit to raise funds for relief items.


The Rakhine State government, however, said that it did not forbid anyone to provide help for IDPs, but they need to work with the government in its relief aid process.


The regional government instructed its departments to provide relief aid for IDPs under an arrangement with the government.