High court will decide to accept Dr Aye Maung’s appeal

A proposal to accept the appeal of former Arakan National Party (ANP) leader Dr Aye Maung, who has been sentenced 20-year imprisonment for incitement and high treason,

By Min Htun 24 Apr 2019

Min Tun/ DMG

April 24, Sittwe

A proposal to accept the appeal of former Arakan National Party (ANP) leader Dr Aye Maung, who has been sentenced 20-year imprisonment for incitement and high treason, would be submitted to the Rakhine State High Court on April 30, advocate for Dr Aye Maung said.

The appeal for Dr Aye Maung was submitted on March 28, he appealed because he believed that the verdict of the lower court is a mistake, advocate U Kyaw Nyunt Maung said.

“I lodged an appeal because I believe that the decision of the lower court is incorrect. There is not sufficient evidence to punish him for high treason. That’s why I submitted an appeal,” the lawyer said.

He added that he hoped the high court would acquit Dr Aye Maung for high treason.

Dr Aye Maung and author Wai Hun Aung are now in Insein prison after being sentenced for 20-year imprisonment for incitement and high treason.