Civilians trapped in hot spot in Minbya Township gets attention

“Soldiers told us we were not allowed to go to these villages because of their superiors’ orders. By obstructing villagers to seek a safe and secure haven is a form of violating human rights because all citizens have a right to move where they please,”

07 Aug 2019

Photo - Marm Bra Tharr

Nay Win San | DMG

7 August, Sittwe

More than 3000 people from 14 villages near fighting that occurred in the mountain range in Minbya Township attempted to flee for safety.

Although they were displaced by the fighting on 4 and 5 August, they were told by military troops to turn back when they arrived at Let Khote village near Minbya town, said U Hla Thein Aung, Arakan State MP for Minbya Township.

Colonel Win Zaw Oo, head of the Western Command, however, denied what a lawmaker said. But, the Tatmadaw did not allow the lawmaker to visit these villages for security reasons during the fighting in the surrounding area.

Four monks and the lawmaker on 6 and 7 August tried to meet with the villagers trapped in the war zone but they were stopped by the Tatmadaw when they arrived at Let Khote village.

“Soldiers told us we were not allowed to go to these villages because of their superiors’ orders. By obstructing villagers to seek a safe and secure haven is a form of violating human rights because all citizens have a right to move where they please,” said the lawmaker who is worried for the people trapped in the war zone.

“I’d like to ask how the lives of innocent people ensnared in a bloody war zone will be if we are not allowed to go to that area to give them some degree of safety and comfort,” the lawmaker asked.

A rally will be held on 9 August in Minbya Town for the affairs and welfare of over 3000 villagers caught in the crossfire between the Tatmadaw and the AA and a letter will be issued to the President, Commander-in-Chief and State Counsellor. 

More than 3000 people from Zedi Yan, Nga Tet, Kyaw Maw, Phone Tha Pale Taung, O Pone Daung, Pyaing Chaung, Ngan Tet, Gwa Sone, Nat Maw, Maung Pote Kay, Nyaung Chone, Kyauk Sone, Sate Tara and Let Khote villages have been pinned down in an armed confrontational hot spot for four days.