Govt’s handling on civilian deaths is important for democracy: MP from Buthidaung Tsp says

U Tun Aung Thein, Arakan State MP for Buthidaung Township, said in Arakan State parliament session that the handling of the government over the death of civilians was important for Myanmar’s democracy.

25 Sep 2019

U Tun Aung Thein, Arakan State MP for Buthidaung Township

Khaing Roe La | DMG    
25 September, Sittwe
U Tun Aung Thein, Arakan State MP for Buthidaung Township, said in Arakan State parliament session that the handling of the government over the death of civilians was important for Myanmar’s democracy.

On Tuesday he submitted a proposal asking the regional government to make arrangements so that armed organizations fighting in Arakan State refrain from targeting civilians.

More than 80 civilians were killed and over 130 people were injured due to the ongoing fighting in Arakan State, members of parliament in Arakan State said, adding that they were killed or injured while they were at their homes.

“Humanitarian, justice and equality follows democracy. A government has responsibility to protect people from being harmed,” the lawmaker said.

While people are affected by the conflicts, they have been suspected that they have had indirectly involvement with the ethnic armed groups, he added.

He added that Myanmar was at a critical time because civilians were killed during clashes between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Arakan State while Myanmar has been facing international pressure accusing of committing ethnic cleansing and genocide for its crackdown on Muslims.

A member of parliament seconded the proposal and it has been agreed to keep on deliberating over the issue.